Training "GENIUS" at UM Metro: Innovative Generation for Superior Statistics - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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Training "GENIUS" at UM Metro: Innovative Generation for Superior Statistics

Training "GENIUS" at UM Metro: Innovative Generation for Superior Statistics

January 16, 2025 | Other Activities

Metro, January 16, 2025 – In an effort to enhance statistical literacy and cultivate a generation excelling in data, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Kota Metro held a training session for Statistics Corner Agents at Universitas Muhammadiyah (UM) Metro on Thursday, January 16, 2025. This event is part of the "GENIUS" program (Innovative Generation for Superior Statistics) initiated by BPS to create innovative and competent statistical agents.


The Head of BPS Kota Metro, in her opening remarks, emphasized the importance of collaboration between BPS and higher education institutions to broaden the understanding of statistics in society.


There were three main sessions in this first episode of GENIUS:


Session 1 began with an introduction to the Statistics Corner presented by Ariyanto, followed by a discussion on guest registration mechanisms by Ervina. This session provided an understanding of the role of the Statistics Corner as a data information center on campus.

Session 2 focused on accessing BPS data through the website.

Session 3 offered participants the opportunity to practice creating infographics using Canva.


The event concluded with an interactive quiz via the Quizizz platform, facilitated by Rahmawatin. This quiz served as an evaluation tool while also enhancing participants' enthusiasm for understanding the material presented.


Through the GENIUS program, BPS Kota Metro hopes that UM Metro students, as Statistics Corner agents, can serve as a bridge between the community and the statistical data released by BPS.

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